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Our Initiatives

Our projects and activities include:

An English medium primary school

At St. Catherine we have a strong focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills as these are the basic building block of learning. St. Catherine has a library made up od donated books. The school also runs a reading club. Children are given a library bag and are encouraged to borrow one book each week. Children in Std 3 and Std 4 have a Home Reader Scheme that encourages them to take home graded readers that they can try independently.
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Dormitory housing

Some of the children who live at St Catherines are orphans, some have a parent who are unable to take care of them, and some stay with us because their family circumstances are unsafe. Some have experienced or witnessed extreme trauma. Our Social Workers and Caretakers look after these students in the dormitories and help them to learn about hygiene, social skills and study skills. We currently provide dormitory housing for 80-100 chlidren. We have seprate Housing for Boys and Girls.

Project Age 22

Project Age 22 is assisting older students (15-22) continue their education and begin a career. Students who have made good progress with their education and wish to continue with their studies but do not have the means to do so, are given support for their education through the Age 22 Project. This project includes life skills training, and counselling.
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Project JO 20+

Project JO 20+ is a job-oriented training programme for less academic students. This is a job oriented training program for students who find academic studies a hurdle. It encourages them to be part of vocational courses that interest them so they will not ‘drop out’ as so many students in India do after Grade 8.

Happy Home Project

Happy Home Project is a parent counselling, support and education programme. The Happy Home Project provides a creative healing space for any parent that has experienced trauma in the home. It aims to empower them by giving them training and helping them find job opportunities. Our social workers explain Government assistance schemes and how to navigate the bureaucracy and open a bank account. The program also provides counselling and life skills. Parents learn about positive child rearing practices to improve their interaction with their children. They meet at the school every Sunday, enjoying and benefitting from each other’s company and occasionally having a singing and dancing session. Participation has been life changing for many.

Happy Feet Project

Happy Feet Project provides creative arts, physical activities and Life Skills training. Happy Feet Project was initiated in the year 2006. Many of the children housed at St Catherines feel rejected, unloved,uncared for, unwanted, and unappreciated, and may feel aggressive, lonely, frightened and depressed. This project helps with healing and confidence building through creative classes in dance, capoeira, judo, yoga, drama, music, painting and drumming. Students are also given individual and group counselling and life skills lessons. The annual Happy Feet Event is conducted in January each year and is a very professional display of their achievements.

Education Extension for Senior Girls

After Grade 4, girls who live at St Catherines are able to continue their education at nearby schools. Those who do not get admission into nearby local schools because they are over age, are able to continue their studies through the Pratham Open School or correspondence courses. They are supervised and supported during their studies. Absence of such programs makes girls vulnerable to dropping out of school, early marriage, violence and labour exploitation.

Responsible Relationships Program

This program aims to help older students (15+) to wisely and maturely manage their interaction and relationships in the dormitory, at home, at school, at work, with friends and on social media. It aims to help them become responsible adults and behave as responsible adults.